Looking for Food Grade Warehousing

Looking for Food Grade Warehousing

Of all the products that move across supply chains, food products require the most specialized care. Adhering to regulatory compliance also plays a big role in the storage of food products. These factors together can make finding food grade warehousing a real challenge.

Delivering safe, quality products is vital when, so it’s imperative to find a food storage warehouse that meets a high level of standards. Whether you require dry, refrigerated, or frozen storage, or you need all three, here’s a look at some of the most important factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing warehousing for food products.

Things to Consider When Looking for Food Grade Warehousing

AIB International Rating

The highest quality food warehouses have a superior AIB International Rating.

AIB International, or the American Institute of Baking, was created in 1919. Their mission is to ensure that food safety production capabilities are the highest quality. The highest quality food grade storage warehouses are in excellent standing with AIB International.

Excellent Physical Condition

The physical condition of the facility says a lot about its standards of storage. It should be well maintained, secure, and free of anything that has the potential to contaminate food and cause health issues, such as mold, pests, and bacteria.

Highly Sanitary and Hygienic

Food needs to be handled in the most sanitary and hygienic way possible. The facility itself, as well as its employees, should abide by the highest sanitary and hygiene standards.

Make sure:

  • ask about & inspect sanitation processes
  • learn about food handing processes
  • types of products that are used to clean and maintain the facility

A Proven Track Record

The most reputable food grade warehouses have a proven track record of success. They service and are in good standing with some of the most well-known food suppliers.

Christopher Morgan Fulfillment

Christopher Morgan Fulfillment has access to more than 600,000 square feet of professionally managed, secure, dry storage space, warehousing & distribution in Milwaukee and in all regions of the United States.

Our facilities are located in:

  • New Berlin, Wisconsin
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Los Angeles, California
  • East Brunswick, New Jersey

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