What is EDI and ASN?

What is EDI and ASN?

In the world of logistics, there are many acronyms. Two of the most important acronyms that anyone involved with logistics should be aware of are EDI and ASN.

What do EDI and ASN mean? Keep on reading to learn more about these vital logistics terms.

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How To Weigh & Measure a Load For Shipment?

How To Weigh & Measure a Load For Shipment

If you have something to ship, often you will have to figure out how much the load weighs and how large it is in order to get the shipping company to pick it up.

How you measure the size and weight depends on what kind of item you are shipping and how large it is. For example, if you are shipping something in a box to a friend across the country, the way that you weigh and measure this box will be very different from the way that you would weigh and measure a huge pallet or a piece of heavy equipment.

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