Milwaukee Fulfillment Expert Insight

 Milwaukee Fulfillment Expert Insight

One of the biggest pitfalls to companies who are looking to outsource their Milwaukee fulfillment is they will choose their provider solely on price.  Sure saving a few pennies on knock off tooth paste or breakfast cereal can be beneficial, but not when it comes to choosing a Milwaukee fulfillment provider.

Think of your fulfillment choice like toilet paper, you never want to buy low quality toilet paper because you will certainly be regretting it later.

CMorgan Fulfillment Services will give you some ways to find the perfect Milwaukee fulfillment center for your business within a competitive budget.

Milwaukee Fulfillment Expert Insight

Ask Questions:

When vetting a Milwaukee fulfillment company, make sure to ask a lot of questions.  You want to get an understanding of their knowledge on fulfillment as it relates to your business, IT, operational processes and culture.  A fulfillment company is a good fit when they not only understand your business, but have experience in your industry.  Often, they can help you address challenges before they occur because they have the necessary experience from past complications.

Get a good understanding of the culture as well.  You will be interacting with your fulfillment company on a daily basis, and ensuring that the cultures align will certainly make those interactions more pleasant.

Understand the Quote:

Trying to figure out a fulfillment quote can often be like trying to solve the crossword puzzle in the Sunday NY times.  It seems like every company structures their pricing a little differently, so make sure that you understand all the charges.

While looking straight at the pricing page is always the first thing we do, make sure to read through the assumptions page.  As a Milwaukee fulfillment company we base our pricing on the data and assumptions that you give us about your program.  If those assumptions are not correct then the pricing could change. It is better to have the pricing change prior to you signing the agreement rather than after your product is already in the distribution center.

Pay them a Visit:

One of the best ways to determine if a fulfillment company is a good fit is to see them in action.  There are many fulfillment companies out there that do an amazing job of marketing themselves, but when you see it in action it is a different story.

Price isn’t Everything:

The two biggest factors that go into pricing for a fulfillment company are time and labor.  Generally,  if a Milwaukee fulfillment company is too high or low it means they don’t fully understand your program.  Unless they have extremely low labor rates, some sort of automation that your program will fit into or they are extremely fast at what they are doing then they are missing something.  Be aware that sometimes the lowest price isn’t always the best price.  Inaccurate and missed shipments can be detrimental to a fast growing company.