SEO Strategies For E-Commerce

SEO Strategies For E-Commerce

How can you sell anything if customers can’t find you? SEO, which is short for Search Engine Optimization, is really important for your e-commerce store. And companies that improve the SEO, like, more important.

Optimizing your e-commerce site for better rankings should be a top priority for any growth-focused business owner. Below are some e-commerce SEO tips that We’ve been able to use and proven effective in driving better rankings and more revenue.

SEO Strategies For E-Commerce

With mainstay brands shutting their doors because of increased online shopping, you must share more of the pie. The information below will help put you in the strongest position possible.

Show your products in the best light possible

Nothing can hurt your credibility more than having a sub-par photo representing your product. Make sure you only show hi-res photos of the products you’re selling. If the customer can’t see it, they won’t want it, and if they don’t want it, they won’t buy it.

Optimize Product Images

Image search has become a very popular function that internet users are increasingly using to find products online. Therefore, e-commerce websites need to add related keywords into the ALT tags of every image on their website.

Include Product Reviews

Since unique content is extremely important when it comes to SEO, having a field for users to add their product reviews is a great passive way to generate unique content for your e-commerce store.

Avoid Using Duplicate Keywords

The challenge in establishing efficient keywords for your site is avoiding duplicate content. This is especially true for e-commerce sites. Optimizing product pages with keywords can quickly become problematic. The most common mistake to make is to cannibalize your own keywords.


Make sure to add conversion tracking codes to the final checkout page. Make this page as user friendly as possible. This will help you better understand your conversions in SEO, and lower your abandoned cart rate.

Christopher Morgan Fulfillment Services

Christopher Morgan proudly offers Electronic data interchange (EDI).

EDI is a document standard, in which when implemented, acts as common interface between two or more computer applications. EDI is more than mere email; it’s become a common e-commerce business practice for most large companies. It gives clients the ability to send orders to the warehouse, track them, and replace bills of lading with appropriate EDI messaging.

EDI refers specifically to a family of standards. Christopher Morgan’s Retail Division provides an inclusive electronic data interchange solution for all retail and EDI objectives.