Peak Milwaukee Shipping Season 2019

Peak Milwaukee Shipping Season 2019 | CMorgan Fulfillment Services

Starting in mid-August and stretching through October, fall is known as the busiest time of the year for shippers and retailers. During this time, the peak Milwaukee shipping season 2019 starts. During the peak season of freight, the demand grows and supply lowers, which causes:

  • tight capacity
  • high freight rates
  • headache for the retail and logistics industry

However, it happens every year, and companies have to breakthrough.

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How Rising Trucking Expenses are Driving Price Increases for Shippers

How Rising Trucking Expenses are Driving Price Increases for Shippers

One of the trends that shippers are noticing recently is the increase in trucking expenses which are making it more difficult to ship things.

There are two primary travel expenses that are on the rise – the cost of labor and the cost of fuel. The truth is though, these are always the two expenses that are rising and costing the most. But these days, and is even more pronounced and the rate in which they are rising is higher than it has been in decades.

This puts a great deal of pressure upon manufacturers and shippers to raise the price of their products and services in order to afford trucking expenses.

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Handling Post Holiday Returns

Holiday Returns

The holidays are by far the busiest time of year in ecommerce fulfillment. After the holiday shopping season comes the season of holiday returns. It’s time to start prepping your operation to handle holiday returns and exchanges. Dealing with returns is a costly necessity of doing business. The key is to make sure that the process is handled in a way that keeps customers coming back.

Too many online retailers gear up for holiday sales and then fall short when it comes to managing holiday returns that inevitably happen in late December and January.

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Customer Satisfaction: Shipping Plays Major Role

Customer SatisfactionIt’s a well established fact that repeat business and recommendations are essential to a company’s ecommerce success. There has been lots of debate around what impacts these including loyalty programs, product variety, discounts, lowest prices, and shipping.

Recent research shows that shipping plays an oversized role in customer satisfaction and brand reputation. Comscore conducted a study commissioned by UPS that found the top 11 factors that impact consumer satisfaction with online shopping. 4 out of 11 factors directly related to logistics and fulfillment showing the large role that logistics has on your brand and customer satisfaction. They also found that consumers put equal weight in shipping cost and product cost when deciding who to purchase from.

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